We work with the full spectrum of the governments across many levels, international development organizations and corporate business and provide valuable support to the leaders of the organizations as they implement major performance transformation.
We draw on deep experience to provide strategic and innovative solutions. And that’s how we do it:
Strategies and Roadmaps: navigating from planning to execution. Rapid 360 degree assessment of the current situation through quantitative and qualitative research followed by development of strategies and action plans, based on a phased approach by defining prioritization, timelines and tentative costing of the results and resource matrix to operationalize solution.
Applied analysis of the political economy: deep insight on the situation will also look into interaction of political and economic processes in a society, the distribution of power and resources between different groups, and the processes that create, sustain and transform these relationships over time, along with the assessment of the risks. Theory of change will be developed and take the context as it exists as its starting point and then focus on identifying feasible solutions.
Social impact, gender and inclusion: designed solutions will certainly take into account the extent to which these policy choices can have a positive / negative impact on gender equality and different segments of demographics, e.g. urban-rural divide, youth and different groups of socio-demographic patterns
Innovation and design thinking: using adaptive tools and skills can be a game changer, unlocking potential for creative problem solving, built on human-centered approach and iterative approach. Ultimately, it encompasses the way we design systems and proposed solution should be a turning point for the client and not mere focus on process improvement.